No. 09

Politics and Pop: Brian T. Edwards on the making and censoring of art in Cairo; Antoine Wilson at Valhalla; Steve Powers's love letters; All the Best Stories Are True: a manifesto by David Shields; new fiction from T. C. Boyle, Danielle Evans, and Richard Powers; and poems by Derek Walcott, Idra Novey, Mary Jo Bang, and others.

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If You See Something

The Failure Bubble: It’s 1998 All Over Again

No. 09 Benjamin Anastas

I hadn’t planned on publishing a novel about the consolations of failure just as the dot-com bubble was inflating and the startup money was beginning to scrub the city stupid block by block.
If You See Something

More Geese Than Swans: At Play in the Fields of Cinnabar

No. 09 Gary Amdahl

The American Legion’s club 432 holds a book sale every summer in the Veteran’s Memorial Hall in Cambria.
If You See Something


No. 09 Antoine Wilson

My father requested a witness cremation.

Of Strange Lands and People

No. 09 Richard Powers

A man rides backward in a packed subway car.

Someone Ought to Tell Her There’s Nowhere to Go

No. 09 Danielle Evans

Georgie knew before he left that Lanae would be fucking Kenny by the time he got back to Virginia.

Love Letter

No. 09 Steve Powers

Love Letter is being painted from Forty-fifth Street to Sixty-third Street on the rooftops and walls of Market Street in West Philadelphia—fifty murals, created by Stephen Powers, who has done similar projects in Dublin and  Belfast.

Two Poems

No. 09 Derek Walcott

May my enemy be assuaged by these waves / because they are beautiful even to his evil


No. 09 Joshua Beckman

Through God’s grace / the little drops came down, and the spectacle / of human science blabbered on, just waiting / for something to witness up close.


No. 09 Maureen N. McLane

There are too many cedars here / hiding the sun hovering / over the dead

Windshield Wipers

No. 09 Aleš Šteger

Both of them hide something, / That is why they move in such harmony.

A Equals All of a Sudden

No. 09 Mary Jo Bang

At work one night / A truck driver had a truck / All of a sudden.

Two Poems

No. 09 Ron Padgett

dancing in the dark / just two double-spaced antelopes / falling into the idea that art / is somewhere out there in the woods


No. 09 Jennifer Chang

Stranger, I’ve locked the door / to our ocean room.

In the Barracks: A Found Poem

No. 09 Wayne Miller

They had been in the country only for a few days when the hills began pricking into the barracks (which once had been university classrooms) with sniper fire.

The Ex-Cárcel of Valparaíso

No. 09 Idra Novey

And so it was agreed  / the empty prison would be reopened  / for festivals

Lullaby on the Marsh

No. 09 Sally Keith

Slack at the end of the lasso’s loop / before the wrist is snapped / Shape of the wave underneath the wave / before the crescent topples over

California Poem

No. 09 Joel Craig

What is needed is a recognizable molecule that carries the unstable / promise to the brain.

A Bird Loose in the House

No. 09 Eric Pankey

The frame—a grid—contrives a theater, / The specter of narrative: / A shadow play  / Alive on a curtain alive with wind.

The Last Word is Emma’s

No. 09 Robb St. Lawrence

The moment the anglers  / pulled their net ashore / it broke, and when we / called you up, the line  / was engaged.

Two Poems

No. 09 Loren Goodman

I am moved by morning / As the egg is moved / By skillet’s heat


No. 09 T.C. Boyle

The boat left at eight a.m., and that wouldn’t have presented a problem, or not especially, if Damian hadn’t been in town.

Cairo 2010: After Kefaya—Brian T. Edwards Introduces the Next Generation

No. 09

You are stuck in traffic in downtown Cairo.

Looks Like It’s Falling Apart: An Introduction

No. 09 Omar Taher

I am the son of the generation who got the shock of multimedia in my face after university.

Beyond Paradise

No. 09 Mansoura Ez-Eldin

Selma sat on the balcony of her father’s house reading Márquez’s Love in the Time of Cholera.

Bordering the Marvelous

No. 09 Mohamed Al-Fakhrany

Hilal had two memories of his childhood he could never forget.

Ahmed Alaidy in Conversation with Ibrahim El Batout

No. 09 Ibrahim El Batout

Ibrahim El Batout has been shot twice.

In the Absolute

No. 09 Khalid Kassab

Oh dark day…What are all these entangled relationships I find myself in, which each day get more entangled than the day before…

The Parkour War

No. 09 Ahmed Alaidy

Morning... Like any filthy morning, people feeding off of other people...

Young Lover, New Lover

No. 09 Muhammad Aladdin

When she’d been there alone with the cat and it had bit her playfully, a shudder had run through her body.

All the Best Stories Are True

No. 09 David Shields

These are the facts, my friend, and I must have faith in them.
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