No. 02

Lauren Redniss illustrates a star of the Ziegfeld Follies; Nam Le in Cartagena; Maile Chapman on the sinking of the Bit Forgive; Amy Leach on the dramatic life of the sea cucumber; Reality Invented: a portfolio on Russia by Natasha Randall with Andrey Platonov, Vladimir Arkhipov, Daniil Kharms, Olga Zondberg, and others; David Mitchell's Acknowledgements; poems by Laurie Sheck, Srikanth Reddy, Benjamin Paloff, and others; and introducing Corinna Vallianatos.

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If You See Something


No. 02 Ander Monson

As of January 27, 2006, Western Union discontinued its telegram services, thus sounding the death knell for one of the first forms of more or less immediate long-distance communication.
If You See Something


No. 02 Michael Azerrad

I was just watching Don Letts’ excellent punk documentary Punk Attitude, and within ten minutes it had underscored a very key idea: the punk spirit ultimately boils down to a resounding, life-affirming NO.
If You See Something

A Practical Solution to an Inconvenient Truth

No. 02 Mary Mattingly

The artist Mary Mattingly started working on the Water Pod and the Wearable Water Home a few years ago: “I was just really scared.
If You See Something

In Memoriam

No. 02 Christopher Sorrentino

I owed my father a thousand dollars for twelve years.


No. 02 David Mitchell

These 900 pages would not exist without Johnny Ball.

A Civilizing Effect

No. 02 Corinna Vallianatos

Edith told herself she wasn’t going to date now that she was a grandmother.

Century Girl: The Living Star of the Ziegfeld Follies

No. 02 Lauren Redniss

Doris joined the Ziegfeld Follies Chorus at a salary of $10 a week.

from The World

No. 02 Srikanth Reddy

He would have no objection to the study of nations.

Two Poems

No. 02 Benjamin Paloff

When we consider everything we’ve failed / to do, does it really matter that our progeny / will know us only by the lists of things / we intended to buy?


No. 02 Devin Johnston

What and what and what and what / reiterate the clouds

Trilce LVI

No. 02 César Vallejo

Everyday I wake blindly / to work so as to live

Two Poems

No. 02 W. S. Di Piero

As if he once was someone’s son / but not now.

Tea Party

No. 02 Bin Ramke

There remain whispers. These were, are.

Portami Il Girasole

No. 02 Eugenio Montale

Bring me the sunflower so that I might / transplant it into burning fields of alkali

Two Poems

No. 02 Ann Lauterbach

Sarcastic reparations     find Chile on the map     find Oshkosh / find the family farm

Notes on the Earth Seen from Space

No. 02 Laurie Sheck

Over and over the word fragile.

Bit Forgive

No. 02 Maile Chapman

This morning I received a letter ostensibly from my friend Niklas Nummelin.


No. 02 Nam Le

In Cartagena, Luis says, the beach is gray at dawn.

Russia—Reality Invented

No. 02 Natasha Randall

I used to think of Russia as a giant and unfortunate jellyfish—a hapless invertebrate, throbbing with ancient cells, which keeps having skeletons dropped on it from above: “Become this!”

The Macedonian Officer

No. 02 Andrey Platanov

As an ordinary ancient day began and the sun lit up the tense green of the country, Firs was summoned to the Tsar of Kutemalia.


No. 02 Vladimir Arkhipov

Vladimir Arkhipov is a self-taught artist who works in the genre of objects and installations.


No. 02 Arkadii Dragomoshchenko

No one recognized me.

Letters: A Translator and a Poet Discuss the Russian Language

No. 02 Arkadii Dragomoshchenko

You might have been expecting a note from me sooner than this!

Schemata Rhetorica

No. 02 Sergey Zavyalov

some people passed across freshly fallen / wet snow and where their soles / touched down / the earth turned dirty black

A Pseudoclassical Landscape

No. 02 Elena Fanailova

“A dangerous battle is taking place in the air…”


No. 02 Dmitry Kuzmin

in a TV report / about the victims of the war in Chechnya / there are shots from a hospital

The Soldier Ay Bee Cee

No. 02 Alexander Vvedensky

… along the shore of the noisy sea walked the soldier Ay Bee Cee.

Two Poems

No. 02 Sergey Gandlevsky

The old horseradish, he already longsFor nothing, I mean, this strangeness.


No. 02 Daniil Kharms

How easy it is for a person to get tangled up in insignificant things.


No. 02 Daniil Kharms

The quiet water swayed at my feet.

On Public Grounds

No. 02 Olga Zondberg

Come over here towards me, if you please.
Public Access

All Cities Are Now Identical

No. 02 Olga Zondberg

“In Europe, in past centuries, a judge put on a black hat to proclaim a verdict,” I tell the next group.
Public Access

Please Do Not Yell at the Sea Cucumber: Three Essays on Nature

No. 02 Amy Leach

We were each like a tree grown in a cage.
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