No. 03

Battlegrounds Real and Fiction: a portfolio on Peru by Daniel Alarcón with Santiago Roncagliolo, Miguel Gutiérrez, Julio Durán, and others; Sam Stephenson buys Eugene Smith's sink; Nora Krug illustrates the life of World War II Japanese soldier Hiro Onoda; new stories by Martha Cooley, Jonathan Lethem, and Keith Lee Morris; poems by Anne Carson, Wislawa Szymborska, Robyn Schiff, Eugene Ostashevsky, and others; and introducing Leslie Jamison.

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If You See Something

Gene Smith’s Sink

No. 03 Sam Stephenson

The wooden light board, with ground glass, that I bought from Pat Smith is an interesting antique, but I don’t know what I’m going to do with the sink.
If You See Something

In Passing

No. 03 Veronica De Jesus

If You See Something

When Animals Conspire

No. 03 Ben Ehrenreich

Let me begin by telling you how I learned that I sleep with my mouth open.
If You See Something

A Wolf That Knows Enough to Keep Its Distance

No. 03 David Levi Strauss

Night is a wolf that knows enough to keep its distance. —Robert Kelly


No. 03 Keith Lee Morris

I’d been sitting there in the courtroom all day, looking at the back of people’s heads, mostly Andy Munson’s.

The Month Girls

No. 03 Martha Cooley

I once worked in the word-processing pool of a large, unremarkable business.

The Night they First Played Monster Eyes

No. 03 Jonathan Lethem

The first chords, chunks of noise, rebound in the gulch of buildings.

Never Give Up!

No. 03 Nora Krug

The life of Hiro Onoda, soldier.

Zeus Bits

No. 03 Anne Carson

How everyone thinks him a happy-go-lucky guy.

Two Poems

No. 03 Eugene Ostashevsky

In a universe renowned for its simplicity / Composed, as it was, of P and –P / There lived a philosopher who became a painter

Two Poems

No. 03 ​Suzanne Buffam

It’s not what you think. / It’s what you think you think / that escapes you. 

An Aching Young Man

No. 03 Reginald Gibbons

An aching young / man on the street / approaches, stops / me with his eyes / and saying Sir?

The Old Professor

No. 03 Wislawa Szymborska

I asked him about the old days / when we were still so young / naive, hot-headed, silly, green.

Scenes of Hell

No. 03 Billy Collins

We did not have the benefit of a guide, / no crone to lead us off the common path, / no ancient to point the way with a staff

The Emperor’s Journey to Shu

No. 03 John Taggart

There is the emperor’s question / which is after / the question of happiness

Lustron: America’s Prefabricated Home

No. 03 Robyn Schiff

Room for all our sons.

Quiet Men

No. 03 Leslie Jamison

He was a poet who worked with intricate forms—villanelles and pantoums—but during our month together he spoke quite simply.

Battlegrounds Real and Fictional

No. 03 Daniel Alarcón

In 1980, there were many reasons to be optimistic about the future of Peru, most significantly, the restoration of democracy after twelve years of military dictatorship.

To Burn the City

No. 03 Julio Durán

On shelves and in drawers, in trunks and boxes, my grandmother hid the artifacts of her old house

The Complicity of Silence

No. 03 Santiago Roncagliolo

Many Peruvian authors, critics, and readers are of the opinion that there is no common literary project uniting young Peruvian writers.

Photos from the Land of Light (País De Luz)

No. 03 Workshop for Social Photography

In 1986, Thomas J. Müller and Helga Müller-Hebron proposed a series of photography workshops through the School of Science and Communication Arts at Catholic University in Peru for campesinos and residents of the marginal neighborhoods springing up on the outskirts of the cities.

Deep Black Holes: An Interview with Miguel Gutiérrez

No. 03 Juan Miguel Chávez

Miguel Gutiérrez  published his first novel, El Viejo Saurio se retira, in 1969; his second novel, La violencia del tiempo, wasn’t published until 1991.

The House on El Pino Hill

No. 03 Óscar Colchado Lucio

The curtains are half closed over the small, barred window.

In the Belly of the Night

No. 03 José de Piérola

Ubilluz’s boots sunk into the mud with a dull thud that neither of them paid any attention to.

Everything is Illuminated: My Love Affair with CSI

No. 03 Delia Falconer

Forget its telegenic cast: the real star of CSI is Luminol.
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