No. 24

The Other Interest: Etel Adnan on weaving; poetry by Giorgio de Chirico; David Lynch paints; a memoir by Gordon Parks; Sally Potter's work diary; Dorothea Tanning's fiction; New work from Martha Cooley, Dan Chelotti, Graham Foust, Katy Lederer, Fadwa Suleiman and others; and introducing Jai Chakrabarti, Cornelius FitzPatrick, Arinze Ifeakandu, Mahreen Sohail, and April Wolfe.

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The Other Interest

No. 24 Brigid Hughes

What one is known for, what is presented as a life’s work, is not an entirety. These other interests, away from the perfectionism and public attention of primary pursuits, could offer another, less guarded view.

Father Telephoned the Fly

No. 24 Herta Müller

I begin to feel uneasy and then I disappear.

Dreams of a Year

No. 24 Dorothea Tanning

In 1947, Dorothea Tanning was already known as a painter when the magazine Les Quatre Vents published her story “Dream It or Leave It” in an issue devoted to the Surrealists, revealing her as one of the group’s rare members with talent as both a visual artist and a writer.

Have You Ever Dreamed of Flying?

No. 24 Pamela S. Johnson

For Dorothea Tanning, 1947 was a year of realized dreams.

Dream It or Leave It

No. 24 Dorothea Tanning

I am afraid, too, of unforeseen events, cats, acts of violence, sickness, steep hills, the power of the unknown and my own potential. All unsurprising fears.

Notes from Sedona

No. 24 Dorothea Tanning

Sometimes I think the only true and satisfactory means of contact with those we love is by writing rather than talking.

Ellington: A Sort Of Memoir

No. 24 Gordon Parks

You are about to witness a remote and covetous collaboration between flower and beast.

Naked Cinema

No. 24 Sally Potter

It’s not so much a matter of finding a fictitious self, but rather locating how to inhabit a space with presence.

Unfit for the Front Line

No. 24 Giorgio de Chirico

The painter in Italy during the First World War.

Small Stories

No. 24 David Lynch

I can feel a little bit of a story before the frame that’s the painting and a little bit of the story afterwards.

Notes on Weaving

No. 24 Etel Adnan

At moments like this I begin to think we’re at the beginning of a new millennium, a new vocabulary, a very new perception.

The Core of the Problem

No. 24 Huang Fan

Accomplishment in fact / Is exhausted rejection

Eternal Return

No. 24 Dan Chelotti

Nietzsche says that we live / our lives to live them again, / exactly as they were lived.

That Time in Me: Amulet (Love Sonnet to Letters)

No. 24 Laynie Browne

You know I wouldn’t love you any less / if there were no possible end to love

Ghost Story

No. 24 Sally Wen Mao

All a ghost wants is to be chained / to a place, to someone who can’t forget / her.

Three Poems

No. 24 Graham Foust

We like to say we hate the visual arts, / the ways adults address their children and pets, / the open sore or sewer we call the sea.

This Economy of Claws

No. 24 Andrew Seguin

So many hearts / sputter to pump in the hospital / like organists playing from a reef

Mercedes Benz

No. 24 Martha Cooley

Maybe those women felt as mercurial and blurry as she often did. Well, not blurry, exactly: incompletely inventoried. Like a house with unexplored rooms.


No. 24 Katy Lederer

For him, it was a mediation / of desire, the word in his / wooden tongue.

It Was Your Birthday Again

No. 24 Jennifer Chang

I watched her once unhook dead branches / from a living tree.

Two Poems

No. 24 Shuzo Takiguchi

Beautiful words / transform into birds of light / inside a crystal eye.

Modern Standards

No. 24 Meghan Privitello

It has taken me a light-year to not come to terms with dying.

The Creature

No. 24 Josh Bell

Like many of you humans, I enjoy lifting small, living things, because sometimes they fear me


No. 24 Fadwa Suleiman

There is no way out if you kill / Your victory will teeter on one leg / There will be a crown of blood on your head

Poem in Which You Become a Detective

No. 24 Catie Rosemurgy

Something bad, something sequential, is happening to you. / Maybe not to you, but in the place you’re standing.


No. 24 Peter Gizzi

Is the word / a cunning bird / even in new / dark I will not / be quiet, the / feathering / covering me

A Small Sacrifice for an Enormous Happiness

No. 24 Jai Chakrabarti

No ruse better than a woman in the home, Nikhil had argued over a year ago, and eventually Sharma had agreed.

The Future of Statues

No. 24 Cornelius FitzPatrick

He wanted to be equal to the gaze of the sky.

God’s Children Are Little Broken Things

No. 24 Arinze Ifeakandu

Your heart burned like you had hot charcoal on it, and your tongue tasted like bitter lemon.

Trig Functions

No. 24 April Wolfe

You were so far away from her and too scared to close the distance.

Basic Training

No. 24 Mahreen Sohail

My sister and I were only small-scale sinners.
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