No. 18

Martha Cooley on the Costa Concordia; Brett Fletcher Lauer on how to write a love letter; Kate Walbert's radical feminists; Andrea Barrett's investigators; stories by Bonnie Nadzam and Kevin Wilson; Aaron Crippen translates Du Fu; poems by Rae Armantrout, Terrance Hayes, Joanna Klink, and others; and introducing Magdaléna Platzová.

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Radical Feminists

No. 18 Kate Walbert

Beatrice Wells is on her way to Bryant Park with her boys, ice-skating, Saturday afternoon, when she bumps, literally, into Jonathan Fontaine, his hair, though thinner, still as his name would suggest, puffed, coiffed, as if Jonathan Fontaine has just stepped out of a Dr. Seuss story or a zany French farce.

The First Belief

No. 18 Bonnie Nadzam

William and Samuel Luce were national heroes.

Two Poems

No. 18 Rae Armantrout

We are learning to control our thoughts / to set obtrusive thoughts aside.

Two Poems

No. 18 Joanna Klink

I brought what I knew about the world to my daily life / and it failed me.

Poem for John Locke

No. 18 Adam Fitzgerald

A sound mind in a sound body is a short / but full description of a happy state in this world.

Two Poems

No. 18 Du Fu

Cypress is bitter but you can eat it.

Two Poems

No. 18 Terrance Hayes

Sometimes I want a built-in scalp / that looks and feels like skin.

Two Poems

No. 18 Michael Morse

Majesty, when you start lobbing statistics, / I feel a little like an understudy.


No. 18 Magdaléna Platzová

A girl in Vienna, 1914.

A Supposed Person

No. 18 Brett Fletcher Lauer

Before I actually wrote a poem, I pretended to write poetry.

A Signal to the Faithful

No. 18 Kevin Wilson

The first time Edwin passed out during mass, he could not determine whether the act made him more or less holy.

The Investigators

No. 18 Andrea Barrett

Early that June, Constantine Boyd left Detroit with his usual trunk but got on a train headed east instead of west.

The Island and the Boat

No. 18 Martha Cooley

Pine needles, dense underfoot.
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