No. 06

Luc Sante translates Arthur Rimbaud; John Ashbery translates Pierre Martory; Italy Abroad, a portfolio by Will Schutt with Antonio Tabucchi, Salvatore Niffoi, Dacia Maraini, and others; an illustrated guide to running for mayor in Chicago by Peter Orner and Eric Orner; Peyton Marshall on famous ancestors and familial bonds; Keith Lee Morris drives blind; Dubravka Ugresic sets off alarms; stories by Gary Amdahl, Sana Krasikov, and more.

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If You See Something

All Foreigners Beep

No. 06 Dubravka Ugresic

I was in Stockholm recently.
If You See Something

Letters Home

No. 06 Colleen Kinder

Bright: How I’d describe the sky over Reykjavik at 11:36 pm.
If You See Something

Adventures for the Contemporary Explorer

No. 06 Keith Lee Morris

I was sitting in the living room the other night trying to get through Middlemarch, the same thing I’ve been doing for most of this decade, and my ten-year-old son and his buddy kept interrupting to ask questions as part of this game they were playing.
If You See Something

The Sound of Being Alone

No. 06 Martha Cooley

Inside my head are sounds.


No. 06 Sana Krasikov

Lev has worried all afternoon that his niece and her husband won’t find his house.

Politics Is a Craft

No. 06 Peter Orner

He had them.

From the Hills of Fauquier County

No. 06 Peyton Marshall

In September 2003, the descendants of John Marshall, the fourth and arguably greatest Chief Justice of the United States, gathered at the Richmond Marriott for a weekend of cocktails and lectures.

The Stolen Heart

No. 06 Arthur Rimbaud

My sad heart slobbers on the deck, / My heart all smeared with navy plug

Two Poems

No. 06 Pierre Martory

The bridge once passed

Two Poems

No. 06 Tom Yuill

My friend, I could wander / Around out here for years

The Lamps Unlit

No. 06 Billy Collins

It is difficult to write an aubade, / a song about noon, or a few crepuscular lines


No. 06 Cathy Park Hong

I was almost completed, but I could not blink.

Two Poems

No. 06 Zach Barocas

Mesmerizing / & insistent as they might / be, even educated hands are / not thoughtful.


No. 06 Claire Hero

Dusk births a weird teeming.

Two Poems

No. 06 Major Jackson

I’m glum about your sportive flesh in the empire of blab, / And the latest guy running his trendy tongue like a tantalizing surge / Over your molars, how droll.

The Situation/Evidence

No. 06 Lisa Lubasch

Open hangs his head and begins to mumble.

Two Poems

No. 06 Dorothea Lasky

I had a dream I was killed in my sleep

Flower Cart

No. 06 Lisa Fishman

The pool was covered by a sheath of leaves

Birch Memorial

No. 06 Preeta Samarasan

Last weekend Sugu went back to Ipoh town.

Focus: Italy: Detecting New Souls in the Old Forms

No. 06 Will Schutt

Italy is a country awash in contradictions: short on nationhood, long on national heritage; Catholic in name and skeptical by nature; intensely proud yet eager to point out its own flaws; a place too puzzling for words that nonetheless elicits the unequivocal sigh, Only in Italy.

The Dead at the Table

No. 06 Antonio Tabucchi

For starters, he would tell him that what he liked best about the new house was the view of the Unter den Linden, because it made him feel at home still.

Feeding on Mystery: An Interview with Marcello Fois re: Noir, Regionalism, and Geography as a Cloak

No. 06 Marcello Fois

One evening a few years ago in March, I drove from Bologna to Ferrara.

The Eyewitness Effect: An Interview with Antonio Scurati re: The Writer in the Twenty-First Century

No. 06 Antonio Scurati

For the past few years, Antonio Scurati has engaged in a pointed, provocative controversy with what might be called the old guard of the Italian intelligentsia, which Scurati considers to be locked into useless, obsolete forms of political and cultural engagement. 

Return to Baraule

No. 06 Salvatore Niffoi

His eighth novel, Return to Baraule, opens in typical Niffoi fashion: a mysterious figure, Carmine Pullana, sickly, sixty years old, arrives in a backwater island village called Baraule.


No. 06 Dacia Maraini

The child opens her eyes and discovers it’s still dark out.

An Hour of Hate

No. 06 Erri De Luca

For a good many years last century I carried weapons.

The Cold, Cold Water

No. 06 Gary Amdahl

Oh, the cold, cold water.
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