On Irrelevance: Part IV

Tom Drury October 1, 2013

Right now I'm reading Quincas Borba by Machado de Assis (1839-1908) and so I'll recommend another of his novels, and one of my favorites, Epitaph of a Small Winner. Originally published in 1880, it seems to me a conversation with an eternal present. (And actually, I don't know what could be more relevant than that.) Here is an excerpt:

My idea was really fixed, as fixed as—I cannot think of anything so fixed in this world: perhaps the moon, perhaps the Egyptian pyramids, perhaps the late Germanic Diet. Let the reader make whatever analogy pleases him most, let him make it and be content; there is no need for him to curl his lip at me merely because we have not yet come to the narrative part of these memoirs. We shall get to it. The reader, like his fellows, doubtless prefers action to reflection, and doubtless he is wholly in the right. So we shall get to it. However, I must advise him that this book is written leisurely, with the leisureliness of a man no longer troubled by the flight of time; that it is a work supinely philosophical, but of a philosophy wanting in uniformity, now austere, now playful, a thing that neither edifies nor destroys, neither inflames nor chills, and that is at once more than pastime and less than preachment.

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Tom Drury is the author of The Driftless Area (Atlantic Monthly Press) and The End of Vandalism (Grove Press). His short fiction has appeared in The New Yorker, and his photographs of Los Angeles were featured in APS 7. He received a Guggenheim Fellowship in 2000. ​


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