Hajdari: Two Poems : Magazine : A Public Space

Two Poems

Poetry Gëzim Hajdari
Translated from the Italian by Charif Shanahan

Ripped from the earth like weeds / we clutch at our names, / we do not know how / this loneliness has found us.

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No. 22

No. 22


Gëzim Hajdari was born in Lushnjë, Albania, and has been living in political exile near Rome since the early 1990s. He was awarded the 1997 Eugenio Montale Poetry Prize for his collection Corpo presente (Body present, Tirana), which includes the poems in this issue.


A Public Space is an independent, non-profit publisher of the award-winning literary and arts magazine; and A Public Space Books. Since 2006, under the direction of founding editor Brigid Hughes the mission of A Public Space has been to seek out and support overlooked and unclassifiable work.


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